10 Worst PS4 Games So Far

3. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Amazing spider man 2

Something went horribly, horribly wrong in the development of Spidey 2. Seriously, the 'product' that came out the back-end of Beenox's team was less a tie-in to the all-singing all CG web-slinging movie, and more an ill-fitted costume competition entrant who'd sewn his Spidey-suit together with oven gloves and firewood. It was just a bad, surface-level-obvious mess.

The frame-rate struggled to maintain double digits if you swung into a fight across the city, Spidey himself appeared to be the only character who'd had more than a handful of polygons put into rendering him, and even if you decided to deviate from your path to save someone trapped in a building, the auto-climb mechanics would more than likely make you run in the opposite direction than the person in need.

There's no wonder the leaked Sony emails purported to brokering a deal with Marvel Studios to keep Spidey's cinematic form alive in other franchises, as it appears all it takes to bring down the wall-crawler is a combination of naff movies and an even worse game tie-in.

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