10 Worst PS4 Games So Far

4. Knack

knack ps4

Credit where credit's due, Knack is actually a fairly solid platformer in terms of physics and general tightness of animation.

The problem was with everything else. Cutscenes were bland and lifeless, characters were utterly unmemorable, Knack himself was about as cute as a garden shed, and the game's difficulty spikes were more on par with something like Dark Souls than Crash Bandicoot or Ratchet and Clank.

All the proficiency in ensuring Knack lands where he's supposed to goes straight out the window when your core demographic can't make it past the first few levels, and for anyone who had the necessary dexterity to fling Knack in the right direction at the right time, the complete lack of charm was enough to make you boot up something like Rayman instead.

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