10 Worst Things About Star Wars: Battlefront

2. Matches Feel Disconnected

One aspect of Battlefront that's been universally panned since it was first announced is the way the game disconnects various aspects of its matches in a rather inorganic way. From the power-ups to the star cards, the arcade influence of the minute-to-minute gameplay of DICE's game clashes with its attempt to engross you in its cinematic world. Likewise, the way vehicles work, having you stand over a pick-up rather than organically climbing in and setting off, robs the game of moments that could have been epic. Imagine fighting your way into a TIE-fighter hanger to jump in one of the vehicles and flying out while enemies shoot at you from below. It would have provided brilliant edge-of-your seat mini set-pieces within each and every match. Even if the maps themselves aren't big enough to facilitate this kind of run-way take-off to the aerial vehicles, a separate landing strip where you can spawn and grab vehicles would have done wonders to cement that sense of immersion and detail that DICE usually nails.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3