10 Worst Things About Star Wars: Battlefront

3. Dodgy Vehicle Combat

By far the most disappointing gameplay aspect of Battlefront is the way the vehicles feel and play. Although the AT-STs give you a sense of power while you're in them, everything else, from the speeders to the star-fighters, control in a rather mundane and boring fashion. The aerial dog-fights in particular feel completely uninspired. Lacking the compexity and nuance of the Battlefield franchise yet feeling just as difficult to control, you'll no doubt spend most of your time in the air trying to calibrate yourself rather than actually getting the chance to shoot anything. Even then, the smaller maps make it almost impossible to get a good chase going. By the time you've got your bearings and found an enemy in your sights, you'll come crashing into the very limits of the level and be forced to turn around.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3