10 Worst Things About Star Wars: Battlefront

1. A Lack Of Modes That Matter

When you're creating a multiplayer-only product like Battlefront, you better hope that the selection of game modes you have available are the absolute cream of the crop. Developer DICE has authored some excellent game types over its illustrious career, with the likes of Battlefield's Rush mode facilitating some of the most epic fire-fights you can find on console. Unfortunately, only some of the devs' signature design flair translated over to this game. Although the title's touted Walker Assault mode really is epic (there's no better feeling than taking down an AT-AT at the very last minute), the rest of the multiplayer suite available rarely ever features the same amount of highs. The other large scale mode Supremacy is great in theory, however can feel like it's over before it's even begun if you get stuck in a team that decides to not play the objective. And even then, with only four maps across these two game types, it doesn't take long until their large scale battles feel a little too familiar. And the other choices you get vary in quality completely. Blast is a standard team deathmatch, and probably the best mode you could choose if you're wanting a regular old firefight. The likes of Droid Run and Drop Zone are all variations on the same kind of capture the flag or domination games you've played before, and the aerial-only mode suffers from the aforementioned vehicle control problems. As a result, there's only a handful of modes in Battlefront that you'll ever actually want to play, and for a fully-priced title like this, that's just not good enough.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3