10 Worst Things About Star Wars: Battlefront

6. Only 4 Maps For The Larger Modes

When I booted up Battlefront and jumped into its signature 20 v 20 mode Walker Assault, I was shocked to find there was only a mere four maps to choose from. While I knew that there was only four Star Wars planets that would feature in the game, I had no idea that the touted twelve maps would be chopped up and restricted to certain game modes. So while there are technically just as many maps as any other shooter on the market, if you find yourself only drawn to one or two game modes (why you might find yourself doing this, we'll get to later) then there's a good chance you'll only ever see a fraction of the maps that Battlefront has to offer. To make matters worse, the actual levels on show in the game are outstanding. DICE has always had a deft hand when it comes to level design, and with the game making great use of the Frostbite 3 engine there's simply no better first-person shooter playgrounds to play in. It's just a shame that there isn't more of them.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3