10 Worst Things About Star Wars: Battlefront

4. No Depth To The Levelling System

The problem of the lack of features, weapons and unlockables in Battlefront comes to a head in its completely unsatisfying levelling system. While you'll collect xp and gain in-game currency as you play, the lack of things to actually unlock or desirable cosmetic upgrades to buy with your credits means you'll no doubt end up with a stock-pile of money that you'll never actually use. Likewise, the fact that you can only create one hand of star cards for the first few hours incentivizes finding a set-up that works for you to stick with for the rest of your play-time. The ability to set-up a few different load-outs to test in battle from the start would have added a wealth of variety to the gameplay, but knowing that you won't be able to switch your cards if you don't like them mid-match means you'll probably shy away from experimenting in case they don't end up benefiting your style of play.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3