10 Worst Video Game Checkpoints EVER

6. The Krogan Battlemaster - Mass Effect

Grand Theft Auto IV

The original Mass Effect, for all of its brilliance, is a tad rough around the edges on a technical level, as best exemplified by what's also one of the toughest encounters in the entire game - rescuing Liara from the Krogan Battlemaster.

The fight itself being extremely difficult is one thing, but making matters immeasurably worse is BioWare's bone-headed decision to place the nearest checkpoint not simply before the battle, but before the unskippable three-minute cutscene that precedes it.

Sure, players can mash their way through the dialogue to save some time, but it's still an infuriating cinematic brick wall ahead of a fight which can literally take hours to get past regardless.

Now, it is actually possible to save after the cutscene by backing up from the Krogan - which in turn tricks the game into thinking you're out of combat and lets you save - but quite understandably, most players never realised this.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.