10 Worst Video Game Sequels Of All Time

6. Duke Nukem Forever

Granted, anyone who expected the 15 year wait for Duke Nukem Forever to actually be worth it was nuts, but we hoped the ridiculously long development period might have reaped something a little more fruitful than this massively underwhelming sequel. The previous Duke Nukem games in all their iterations were a lot of fun, presenting us with a lewd, foul-mouthed protagonist who looked like he just jumped out of a Hollywood blockbuster, cigar and all. The boundary-crossing appeal of the character was unmistakable, and killing pigs never got old. However, the FPS landscape has changed a lot since Duke last went there; no longer is Duke a big fish in a small pond, but rather the opposite. Now having to compete with a glut of excellent shooters, Duke Nukem's old tricks just don't seem to have the same appeal. We're no longer able to overlook the awkward gameplay mechanics in favour of the narrative's exuberance, because better games have told us to expect more in the interim. Given how enjoyable the previous games in the series were, and how much fun we'd expected to have in this game, it came as a real shock that those 15 years of development proved to be worth very little indeed.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.