10 WORST Video Game Weapons

1. The Pistol - Doom 2016

doom 2016 pistol
iD Software

Anyone who tells you that they used the pistol at all after the first five minutes of the game is either a liar or so bad at the game that they burned through all their ammo in a game that literally PELTS you with ammo.

The pistol is the first weapon that all Doom games give you, and yet none are more useless than the one in Doom 2016. The other pistols weren't exactly the most powerful things in the world, but at least you could trust them to get the job done when you needed them to.

The 2016 pistol meanwhile barely even registers with you when you shoot it, compared to previous games where there was this distinct crunch to shooting it like every other gun.

The charge shot was good for staggering enemies, but on the other hand, you could always just run up and punch them in the face, or assuming you've gotten to a point in the game where you HAVE the other guns, just use those on the demon.

It should come as no surprise that Doom Eternal's first change was getting rid of this thing right at the start.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?