10 Worst Video Games Of 2019 (So Far)

4. Team Sonic Racing

Team Sonic Racing

Feeling like an arbitrary release kicked out the door to capitalise on Crash Team Racing's revival of the kart racing genre on PS4 and Xbox One, even Team Sonic Racing's name is trying to steal some of the spotlight.

And while there are some awesome teamwork mechanics in here like trading power-ups or staying in your partner's slipstream for a boost, the basic feel of gameplay is just too stilted and twitchy to have any fun with.

Even if you do get to grips with car movement... that's it. Courses are thoroughly unmemorable and Sega have made the ludicrous decision to take multiple steps back from where Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed was heading.

Gone are characters from multiple Sega properties, and gone are multiple modes of transportation per racer.

It's just the Sonic roster (to which I guarantee you only know the big three and Robotnik/Eggman), with a gacha machine that doles out prizes after races at random.

Gotta... grind... fast?

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