10 Wrestlers Who Didn’t Deserve To Be On The Cover Of A Wrestling Game

7. Rob Van Dam – Legends Of Wrestling

Legends of Wrestling

Normally, if you were to argue Rob Van Dam doesn’t deserve to be a cover star for a wrestling video game, you’d be decidedly wrong. Van Dam was exactly what he advertised himself to be in ECW – ‘The Whole Damn Show’. In 2020, there’s no questioning his legacy from showcasing his innovative moveset in hardcore/gimmick classics over the years with Jeff Hardy, Sabu, John Cena and Jerry Lynn to name a few. However, (the let-down that was) the Legends of Wrestling's artwork is somewhat noteworthy due to RVD being one of the cover stars.

The game was released in December 2001, a time during which RVD was in the middle of a fantastic run for the WWF as their Hardcore Champion. However, he wasn’t quite considered the legendary wrestler he is now. Not compared to the other stars on the cover anyway, like Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Terry Funk, Jimmy Snuka, Jimmy Hart, The Road Warriors and Jerry Lawler. They were legends of wrestling because most of them had been wrestling since the '70s.

RVD is for sure the odd man out on the cover - not least because he was contracted to WWE when it released. In fact, he and Sabu are anomalies on the roster. It’s strange to think there was a game back then where you could have Sabu vs. Bruno Sammartino but there you go.

RVD was featured on the cover for WWE’s ‘Road to WrestleMania X8’ a year later for the Game Boy Advance - something he definitely deserved.

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Stacy Keibler
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