10 Wrestlers Who Didn’t Deserve To Be On The Cover Of A Wrestling Game

5. Big Show - WWE SmackDown Vs Raw 2011

SmackDown vs Raw 2011

WWE SmackDown Vs Raw 2011 was released in late 2010, the last game under the ‘SmackDown Vs Raw’ name. It featured Big Show on the cover beside The Miz supporting John Cena posing in the centre.

There’s no argument Cena deserved to be selling point as the cover star. And The Miz was upcoming and gaining momentum, going on to win the WWE Championship a month after the game was released. Why Show didn’t deserve to be featured on the cover is simply he did nothing of note to warrant it in 2010. Other than his ‘ShoMiz’ tag team with Miz, he mostly wasted time on the SmackDown brand in a boring feud with Jack Swagger over the World Heavyweight Championship when SmackDown was desperately short on headliners.

WWE/THQ had a slew of other wrestlers to choose from other than Big Show, who even then had one of the longest tenures as a mid-carder in WWE. They could have easily picked CM Punk who was The Straight Edge Saviour and the hottest heel in wrestling at that point, or 2010 breakout star and aerial phenomenon Evan Bourne, who had a slew of fantastic matches that year against big name opponents.

In this post: 
Stacy Keibler
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