10 Wrestlers Who Were Cut From Video Games

7. WWF No Mercy And WWF SmackDown 2: Know Your Role - Big Show

Chris benoit

No Mercy and SmackDown 2 are two of the most beloved wrestling games of all-time. The former was the final WWF/E game on the N64 and the latter showed fans the plethora of content they could enjoy when sports entertainment and video games collide. Yet, despite these causes for celebration, both games came with a huge omission.

Big Show found his likeness cut from both titles, even with an impressive debut year to his name. Since a shock appearance during 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin and Vince McMahon's steel cage clash as St. Valentines Day Massacre 1999, Show had secured his first WrestleMania match, won the Tag Team Championships on two occasions (teaming with The Undertaker), and also held the WWF Championship for 50 days.

While it looked as if the company were all in on Big Show, he disappeared from television after 'Taker threw him off the stage to a table below (Raw, 7 August 2000). In reality, he was sent down to Ohio Valley Wrestling, WWF's former developmental territory, to lose weight, improve his cardiovascular fitness, and finesse his in-ring skills.

This helped the career of Big Show in the long run, but the video game medium was one that could bypass the real life man's limitations.

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Chris Benoit
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.