10 Wrestlers Who Were Cut From Video Games

5. WWE Raw 2 - Scott Hall

Chris benoit

Raw 2 is not an obvious name that comes up when discussing classic pro-wrestling video games. Nevertheless, the title came with the first comprehensive season mode, which allowed fans to play through a full year of the WWE calendar. Despite this, nonsensical rulings that bogged down the game, such as championships being able to change hands via disqualification, are more likely to be recalled and rightly mocked.

In 2003, WWE's roster was diverse. Fans were able to enjoy the former WCW superstars they craved during the so-so Invasion angle in the WWE ring. Stars such as Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Ric Flair and Scott Steiner were tangling with WWE's best and brightest. However, on the Raw 2 roster there was one blatant omission: Scott Hall.

Hall, initially included alongside his fellow Outsider Nash, was cut from the game when his real life conduct was deemed to necessitate it. Hall, as he had in WCW's dying days, was struggling with alcoholism. The infamous Plane Ride From Hell incident brought attention to wrestler's intoxicated misbehaviour, and Hall was one of the casualties. He was released by WWE days after returning from a UK tour.

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Chris Benoit
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.