10 WTF Moments In The Metal Gear Solid Franchise

3. The System Is Liquid Ocelot's

Mgs G My first playthrough of MGS4 was wonderful. It was one of those games that amazed me at nearly every turn. The graphics, the dialogue, the core gameplay, the music - just about everything was better than anything else I'd played up to that point. What amazed me the most though - and this is something that divides gamers over MGS more than anything else - were the cutscenes. In particular, there was one scene that just absolutely blew me away. It was like watching an action movie, only better - there was a real sense of helplessness in one way but total awe at the same time. The scene in question, of course, is the one where Liquid Ocelot puts on a show of almost God-like power (due to his control over people's nanomachines), and pretty much single-handedly annihilates an entire enemy force. It is both cool as hell and a little bit silly, and quite justifiably a total WTF moment.

I am a football obsessive from Durham in the north-east of England. My interests also include but are not limited to music, video games, TV and film. Follow me on Twitter @liamgilchrist88