10 WTF Video Game Moments That Broke The Fourth Wall

4. X-Men - Danger Room Reset

wwf attitude ps1
Western Technologies, Inc.

When people think of fourth wall breaking moments, as I mentioned before, a lot of people immediately think to moments in the Metal Gear series with Psycho Mantis or Fission Mailed, however the original X-men game on the Sega Genises was doing this type of wall break far before Mantis was even a Nymph.

In the Danger Room level the player might think that it's business as usual, going from left to right and smashing piss out of anything in the way, and yet when it comes to what one would believe to be a natrual conclusion aka you've just turned supervillain Mojo into a pile of organs, you're presented with a message that says "reset the computer"

This message drove the fanbase to madness, as they looked high and low for anything that would resemble a computer that needed to be reset, and remember this was before the internet was widely availible so it wasn't like you could look online for help. What the game apparently wanted you to do was reset your Genesis by lightly (LIGHTLY) tapping the reset button, upon which the game would continue.

As a fourth wall break that caused this much agony, WTF doesn't even come close to describing it.

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WWF Attitude
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