10 Zelda Items That Are Immediately Made Pointless After You Get Them

7. Ball And Chain - Twilight Princess

Zelda Boomerang Link

The ball and chain is another item that shows how useless something can be after the required temple is finished.

You receive this item in the Snowpeak Ruins, which is the fifth temple in Twilight Princess. The ball and chain are used frequently throughout this temple, fighting certain enemies and smashing through ice blocks. After this point, however, it is never really used.

While useful in the temple you acquire it in, this item is virtually useless in the outside world. Especially considering the fact that this game has four different bombs in it, the use of a heavy and slowing item to do the same job is not worth the effort.

It can deal large amounts of damage to enemies, sure, but it is so slow that is almost impossible to actually hit any enemies that require high damage to be killed. While it is an interesting idea and could create potential for new puzzles and interactions throughout the world, it is not implemented correctly.

The ball and chain is one of the more useless items in the franchise, being a distant memory in most fans brains.


I am a musical theater performer that trained in ballet for 12 years. I love horror movies, anime, video games, and makeup.