11 Awesome Actors Who Gave Awful Video Game Performances

8. John Goodman - Pyst

Pyst is, surprisingly enough, a 1996 parody of the immensely successful adventure game Myst released the year prior, and so short and insubstantial that it barely qualifies as a game, let alone an actual work of comedy.

The game's single distinguishing feature is that it stars John freaking Goodman in FMV sequences as Mattruss, the King of Pyst Island, including an infamous scene where he introduces himself to the player while sat shirtless in a hot tub.

Goodman is a known fan of The Firesign Theatre comedy troupe co-founded by Pyst's creator, Peter Bergman, which basically explains why he deigned to appear in something so terrible, and thoroughly humiliate himself in the process.

The most baffling aspect of his involvement? The game's theme song, which Goodman sings his way through with a howlingly misplaced amount of enthusiasm. This is some prime rib cringe material right here...

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.