11 Best Video Game Christmas DLC And Levels To Get Into The Holiday Spirit

8. Christmas NiGHTS Into Dreams

Hitman 2 Holiday Hoarders

Back in 1996, a new game from Sonic Team and SEGA was released onto the doomed Sega Saturn called Nights Into Dreams. The game, easily the Saturn's finest, follows two teens who enter a dream land known as Nightopia. With the help of a character called Nights, they aim to take down the evil Wizeman and prevent him from destroying Nightopia, and subsequently the world. It's the kind of story you'd only get from the 1990s.

Though the game itself doesn't actually feature any Christmas themed levels, there was an expansion of sorts that did. Christmas Nights was released as a two level sampler free to any Saturn owner who covered the postage cost. This new disc saw the teens from the main game journey back into Nightopia during the holiday season, searching for a star missing from a Christmas tree.

The disc was also given away with other games, magazines, and Christmas bundles in order to drive up Sega Saturn sales. Though history tells us that clearly didn't work, these charming bonus levels will do just the trick for fulfilling your festive platforming needs.

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.