11 Best Video Game Christmas DLC And Levels To Get Into The Holiday Spirit

7. Borderlands 2: How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day

Hitman 2 Holiday Hoarders
2K Games

The wacky endearing qualities of the Borderlands franchise have won our hearts and minds for four games now. The series has always excelled at its pop culture references, zany characters, and fast paced shooting, and this is no different for the holiday themed DLC 'How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day' for Borderlands 2.

In the relatively short quest, you'll travel to Frost Bottom to accept your mission from Marcus' Mercenary shop. After a shipment of weapons he sold goes missing, he hires the vault hunters to track down the missing cargo. You'll then need to travel to the world of Gingerton, where you'll enjoy the typical frenzied bullet ballet against some frosty skinned regular enemies, before ultimately facing off against a giant snowman known as Mister Tinder Snowflake.

In true Borderlands fashion, you'll still encounter oddball pop culture references such as the character Smaller-Than-Average Timothy, and the Yeti (which is obviously just a Bullymong). Even though it's short, it's still a blast of FPS action you can enjoy in that ugly Christmas jumper you've been dying to bust out.

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Avid writer of nonsense. Can often be seen in his natural habitat watching far too many films and not enough TV. Occasionally plays on the Xbox and Megadrive whilst chastising himself for not writing more.