11 Cancelled Superhero Games That Would Have Been Amazing

5. Superman: Blue Steel

In development by the team at Factor 5, Superman: Blue Steel was originally planned as a tie-in to the cancelled sequel to Superman Returns, before becoming an entirely separate release when DC decided to reboot their whole movie universe.

An open-world game that featured a fully-explorable Metropolis, Blue Steel looked way more combat-orientated than any of the Boy Scout's games had been previously. With the ability to pick up enemies and continue laying into them while smashing through skyscrapers, the title aimed for a cinematic approach to superhero fistfights on a scale that hadn't quite been captured before.

While very little has been released about the game in the years since its cancellation, the sizzle reel that shows flashes of the fight between Superman and Doomsday looks absolutely incredible. Superman has never been properly captured in video game form, but with Blue Steel, it looks as though Factor 5 came closer than anyone has before.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3