11 Cancelled Superhero Games That Would Have Been Amazing

4. The Avengers

Despite being prepped for a similar time and featuring the same lineup, THQ's Avengers game wasn't going to be related to the 2012 movie of the same name, with the developers instead attempting to bring to life their unique vision of what a superhero game should be.

Consequently, instead of going the third-person action route that has long dominated the sub-genre, the developers opted to create a "first-person ranged brawler" where up to four players would adopt the role of either Captain America, Iron Man, Thor or The Hulk.

Battling Skrulls with their unique individual abilities, the ambitious title wasn't going to play anything like other first-person shooters at the time, with the developers insisting that the gameplay would be more about the physicality of the heroes rather than straightforward action.

With extra unlockable characters in the pipeline such as Black Widow and Hawkeye, the tantalising superhero title was quite far into development when THQ had to pull the plug, citing dire financial straits.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3