11 Hotly Anticipated Video Game Sequels That Would Dominate E3
3. Half-Life 3
Used to be there were three games nobody would ever see; Fallout 4, The Last Guardian and this, but with the former of those actually being a physical thing you can watch and read all about, it's prompting many gamers to wonder which other near-mythical sequels will see the light of day sooner rather than later. Granted Valve have far more on their plate as a company than the rest, and with the launch of the Steam controller, Steambox and VR headset VIVE - it's very possible anything relating to the company around the E3 period will be purely hardware related. They've already mentioned they're not going to be at E3 in any first-party capacity, but that doesn't rule out exclusivity announcements from the likes of Sony or Microsoft. Still, Half-Life 2 seems like a lifetime ago at this point, and its perhaps precisely because of this that the insurmountable amount of hype surrounding "another Half-Life" is just too much for even Valve to execute on. Plenty of interviews have continually paraphrased the notion that they don't intend to release HL3 any time soon, but that just brings about the question of why end Episode 2 on a cliffhanger, if you were never going to pick it back up?