11 Hotly Anticipated Video Game Sequels That Would Dominate E3

9. The Last Guardian

The Last Guardian is verging on being a fairytale you'll be telling your grandkids at this point, the "mythical game we all once believed in, some even say they played - but no one believed them. T'was a time of great hope... but nay, nothing came." Or could it? Team ICO haven't been heard from in years, aside from the occasional nod from one of Sony's representatives going "Yup, it's still being worked on!" First debuted at E3 2009 as a followup of sorts to both Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, since then there's been nothing, an official cancellation still not coming either. The latest development is as of March 2015, Sony have re-patented the name, The Last Guardian, and Sony rep Shuhei Yoshida mentioned to Polygon, "When we cancel a title, and it's something we have announced already, we'll say so" essentially confirming once more that it's very much still in production, some six years later. Hey, Fallout 4 came true - why not this?
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