11 Improvements We Must See For Call Of Duty 2016

1. No More Maps As "Pre-Order Exclusives"

And finally, no more maps that can only be obtained by pre-ordering. BO3 launched with a huge stink around this, as the latest iteration of the much-loved Nuketown map was a pre-order exclusive. Now, this isn't an inherently terrible thing, as stock allocation seemed pretty generous and you could easily pick up a copy on launch day...in most of the world that is. UK players were outraged to find that, despite Activision originally stating that any pre-order would receive the Nuketown 2065 map, this was ultimately revealed to be exclusive to retailer GAME, one of the more overpriced brick and mortar stores out there. It was a strange way of doing business, because Activision didn't draw attention to Nuketown only being available at GAME, which was a bum deal for the store and meant that many probably pre-ordered the game elsewhere. Sadly, though, some couldn't resist and fell to the dev's whims, cancelling their pre-order from other stores and paying the overpriced GAME cost, while Nuketown 2065 codes began selling on E-Bay for upwards of £20. This is all the more infuriating because Nuketown's playlist has already been removed, so those who paid top dollar for it might only play the map once every hour or two. What a waste. It's a depressing way to exploit the fanbase, and how's about not nickel-and-diming gamers in the first place? If they've bought your game, given them the damn map that's available, and make everything else DLC. Jeez. What do you want to see in next year's Call of Duty? Shout it out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.