11 Improvements We Must See For Call Of Duty 2016

3. At Least One Small Multiplayer Map

If there's one thing the earlier CoD games got right that the newer ones just don't seem to care for, it's the value of having at least one small, gimmicky map, where strategy goes out the window and it's a straight-up explosion-fest. Shipment from the original Modern Warfare remains a classic of CoD, a map many wish would be given an HD remastering for an upcoming game (rather than the futuristic reimagining, Showtime, which was released as DLC for Ghosts), and along with Rust, Dome and the much-loved Nuketown, represents the sort of inspired insanity that's sadly in short supply these days. Yes, the BO series has Nuketown, but shouldn't it be standard that every CoD game comes with at least one comically tiny map? It's always been great fun, and it's a major mistake that most of the recent games have neglected to include one of these, at least as far as on-disc content goes...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.