11 Most Surprisingly Awesome Video Games Of 2017 (So Far)

8. Dick Wilde

Dick Wilde

Honestly, how high can your expectations be for a game called Dick Wilde? Despite its needlessly lewd title and initially seeming like yet another forgettable stationary shooter for PSVR, Dick Wilde is actually a shockingly intuitive and surprisingly physical arcade blaster that makes terrific use of Sony's headset.

There's not much more to the game than shooting various aquatic animals that want to snack on you, but what takes it to the next level is the game's compatibility with Sony's terrific Aim gun controller.

While other Aim-supported games like Farpoint and Arizona Sunshine are meatier, more complete experiences, not a single other PSVR shooter has featured Aim tracking as accurate as this, making the feeling of holding everything from a harpoon gun to a grenade launcher more convincing than ever before.

In addition, in order to avoid many of the enemies flying towards you and stay alive, you'll need to bob and weave excessively, which makes the game an incredible workout, to the point that you might wake up with sore legs the next day.

All of this combined with a ludicrously enjoyable pass-the-helmet multiplayer mode makes Dick Wilde an uproarious treat and a very, very pleasant surprise.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.