11 Next-Gen Games You Should Be Considering

2. Knack

Knack Easily the most charming and family-friendly game on this list, not to mention the first next-gen video game we ever saw. Yes, some were left scratching their heads on February 20th when Sony chose to have Knack be the first PS4 game shown off, but it was a calculated move on their behalf. By having a charming platformer invite the world to the PS4, t showed Sony's continued commitment to platform games that have helped make the brand famous; Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper and Ratchet and Clank. It was a reiteration of their commitment to the core gamer and their long-running fanbase. It seems Sony want Knack to become somewhat of a mascot for PlayStation, like they did with Sackboy on the PS3, and I see this as entirely possible. The time for Knack is ripe; when the new consoles launch, there won't be a plethora of games and many earlier PS4 adopters, of which there are at least 1,000,000 pre-orders, will probably pick up Knack to mess around with. Hopefully that's the case, and Knack can sell a good amount. The latest game from PS4 architect and legendary developer Mark Cerny, who helped make some of those classics I listed, Knack looks set to continue Sony's trend of great platformers. It might not be the superior next-gen experience you've been waiting for, but with fun, innovative gameplay, pretty graphics, Vita cross-play and Goblins, Knack could be a really fun experience to jump into with the PS4. With the amount of next-gen titles coming out, I think Knack could easily get lost in the shuffle, but that doesn't mean it won't be a good game. On the contrary, I believe Knack will be a very good game, but possibly suffer from not being overly next-gen. Predicted Rating: 8.5

Journalism student from Ireland. Interested in video games, books, rock music, films, comics, TV and wrestling - the basics! Check out my Twitter for PS4 screenshots and random comments!