11 Most Notorious Gaming Sequel Set-Ups That Never Followed Through

2. Shenmue II - The Two Mirrors

After an outstanding first game, Shenmue II continues Ryo Hazuki's quest to hunt down Lan Di, the man who killed his father. The game ends on a massive cliffhanger, as Ryo appears to have made headway in his search by combining a sword with the Phoenix mirror, creating a giant visage of two mirrors standing before himself and his new companion, Ling Shenhua. Then, the game ends. Given that Sega made no secret about Shenmue being a multi-part saga, this should have been fine, but considering that Shenmue III to date still hasn't happened, it's a sore point for a lot of gamers. The outcry over this ridiculously open-ended finale has been the source of countless online petitions to get a third game made, but due to neither Shenmue games exactly lighting the gaming world on fire sales-wise, it's a dim prospect at best, albeit one we always hope will be announced every time E3 rolls around...
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.