11 Terrifying Abandoned Areas In Video Games That Will Give You The Creeps

8. Ocean House Hotel – Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Deserted town of Pripyat, Ukraine
Troika Games

In a game featuring a number of vampire clans, you might expect there to be more than one creepy locale on offer.

And you'd certainly be right, although no other location featured in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines is quite as creepy as the Ocean House Hotel.

While playing as a vampire, you grow to appreciate the dark, shadowy corners of the city, but upon arriving at the Hotel those shadows take on a more sinister appearance.

Ocean House is clearly haunted, with pictures on the wall moving of their own accord, and the atmosphere is oppressive with the building clearly having fallen into disrepair.

The story of the Hotel is that a family visiting the building during its grand opening were brutally murdered. A man believed his wife was having an affair, and lost his mind, killing his wife and children.

As the player explores, they find newspaper articles detailing the murders; the man decapitated his son in the hotel's basement, and chopped his daughter up "like fire wood" in one of the hallways. It's a truly creepy moment, and players are left praying they can check out in one piece at the end of things.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.