11 Terrifying Abandoned Areas In Video Games That Will Give You The Creeps

7. Rapture – BioShock

Deserted town of Pripyat, Ukraine
2K Games

The setting of Rapture is regarded as one of the in all of video games, and for good reason.

Blending FPS mechanics and RPG elements with a biopunk theme, this title conjures up images of grandiose opulence, while also making it feel claustrophobic and on the brink of collapse.

Sometime before the events of the first game, Rapture's society went up in flames, and all that's left are the Splicers, the Big Daddies, the Little Sisters, and a small number of Rapture's brightest minds still attempting to maintain their disturbing lifestyles in the midst of the chaos.

Rapture is absolutely beautiful, but it's also absolutely terrifying to traverse. Sounds echo down the curved halls and the player is met with horrible images of death and depravity, and while not totally abandoned is a shell of it's former self.

It's leagues above it's competitors but what's happening leagues below the sea will leave you feeling chilled to your core.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.