11 Terrifying Abandoned Areas In Video Games That Will Give You The Creeps

4. Derelict Reaper – Mass Effect 2

Deserted town of Pripyat, Ukraine

What could be scarier than colossal synthetic-organic beings intent on repeatedly purging the galaxy of sentient life?

Well, the hulking, floating corpse of one being explored from the inside out, that's what.

Shepard and his crew are sent to investigate a team of missing scientists that were studying the derelict Reaper, and recover technology from it which would enable the use of a mass effect relay only accessible to the ancient race of organic machines.

Upon entering the Reaper, Shepard soon discovers that its ability to indoctrinate organic lifeforms is still intact and that the team of lost scientists have been converted into husks, zombie-like shells forced to do the Reapers' bidding.

What follows is less sci-fi action and more Lovecraftian horror, stalking through the empty corridors inside the Reaper, unsure whether or not the very walls around you are about to wake and swallow you whole.

Knowing what we knew about the Reapers at this point in the series, it was always a possibility that we'd see the inside of one, but nothing could have prepared us for how wrong it felt.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.