11 Times Final Fantasy Pissed Off The Fans

6. The Hero Of Final Fantasy IV Resets His Level In Mid-Game

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Final Fantasy IV centres around a dark knight (not the Batman kind) called Cecil who's tasked with stealing Crystals for his king. When he questions his monarch's intentions, he's stripped of his rank, which sets him on the hero's path, where he finds himself in conflict with the malevolent warlock, Golbez.

About a quarter into the game, Cecil is reborn as a Paladin, granting him the power to defeat Golbez. This is quite an emotional moment since Cecil is forced to battle a mirrored version of himself to cast aside his darkness, and become the hero he was born to be.

But when Cecil becomes a Paladin, his Level is reset to 1. By this point in the game, your team should be at Level 20, meaning you have level up Cecil all over again! But what’s extra annoying is it's instinctive for players to level up the main character the most. So when his level resets, it feels like your efforts were for nought.

This issue is more infuriating when you replay FFIV since you know it's pointless to level Cecil up pre-Paladin since he’s going to reset anyway.


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