11 Times Final Fantasy Pissed Off The Fans

5. The Pixel Remasters

final fantasy 7 remake intergrade yuffie
Square Enix

Because few people in the west have played the first six Final Fantasy games, they've been rereleased many times in the last decade or so, often receiving high praise.

But in recent years, the developers seemed to stop caring about these so-called Pixel Remasters. The PSP version of FFII looks like it was made with Flash software. The 2015 Steam port of FFV has worse graphics than the original despite the 13-year difference. Even though Steam could’ve ported the graphically superior GBA remake off FFV, they didn’t bother to cut down on costs.

Speaking of money, Steam expected consumers to fork over $16 for this abominable port, upon its initial release.

Instead of learning from these mistakes, the developers just keep going. The mobile version of FFVI has poorly filtered sprites and game-crashing bugs. There are spelling mistakes and grammatical errors galore, which doesn't make any sense since the developers could've just copied and pasted the dialogue from the original game.

If the developers aren't going to bother giving a 110% with a remake or remaster, it's better if they don't bother in the first place.


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