11 Times Final Fantasy Pissed Off The Fans

4. Unlikeable Heroes

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Square Enix

Each Final Fantasy has the player taking control of a diverse range of characters. Although some party members may be irritating because they're arrogant, goofy, or Amarant, there's always a few that are warm, sympathetic, and charming.

At least, that is the idea. Some "heroes" are so whiny, immature, or creepy, you find them more unlikable than the villains.

Final Fantasy Origin's Jack Garland is meant to be depicted as a no-nonsense tough guy, but his blunt demeanour makes him come across as a jackass. In FFVII, Cid swears at his wife and mocks her weight despite being described as "kind-hearted." When you see FFIX's protagonist, Zidane, force a kiss on Dagger and compliment her soft backside, you want to call the police.

Which brings us to FFVIII's protagonist, Squall. Because of his apathetic attitude and "whatever" dialogue, you can see why gamers didn't gravitate towards him.

For the record, there's nothing conceptually wrong with an introverted hero like Squall. Cloud from FFVII is reclusive, but still comes across as sympathetic since he deeply cares for his friends.

But Squall is so condescending to the party, you wonder why the story is following him. What's worse is it seems contradictory when he confesses his undying love to Rinoa after she's mortally wounded, considering he dismissed and chastised her repeatedly up until that point.


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