11 Times Final Fantasy Pissed Off The Fans

3. Ridiculously Unfair Boss Attacks

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For a boss to pose a real challenge, it needs to have attacks that aren't just devastating, but tricky. Not only do the heavy hitters launch powerful moves like Meteor and Ultima, they wear you down with Poison, force you to attack your own group with Confuse, or hit you with an instant-kill.

Even though moves like this are annoying, it makes the battles more enjoyable. Instead of just wailing on the enemy with your strongest attacks, you need to strategise, focus on defences, time your moves to be more effective, and have a contingency if it all goes sideways.

But every now and again, you face a boss that isn't just hard, but unfair. In FFVI, the MagiMaster hits your team with a 9999 HP attack when he dies, killing your party instantly. You cannot survive this unless you perform convoluted actions to get around it.

FFIXI's Ozma is so fast, it tends to kill you before you have a chance to hit it. Because of how random its assaults are, you're more likely to beat Ozma through dumb luck rather than skill.

Even though gamers love a challenge, it's irritating when you lose against a boss, despite not making a single mistake, purely because of their preposterous attacks.


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