11 Times Video Game DLC Lost Its Mind

8. Rage 2 - Danny Dyer

The Sims 4

I love Danny Dyer. I think he’s brilliant. An unintentionally hilarious human being who is straight to the point and has a language entirely of his own.

Rage 2 thought this too, and said: “you know what? Let’s make him a voice for our protagonist!”

And what a voice it is. There’s some pure, simple pleasure in the explosive action unfolding in front of you, to be met with the voice of our cockney hero - shouting expletives as the world around you rains with flame and gunfire.

I could probably count the amount of times Danny called an enemy, “a mug”, or how many times I got shouted at for using my overdrive. But it never got old.

The restraint Danny Dyer has in Eastenders to not go full London gangster must take all of his willpower. So it’s refreshing to see him let off the leash and unleash his rage.


Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.