11 Times Video Games Did Horror Better Than Movies

7. Siren: Blood Curse - Being Stalked Through Enemy Eyes

Released in many parts on the Playstation Store back in 2008, the Siren series is one of those hidden gems that those who have dabbled in its world of Japanese horror and characterful story are screaming to the rafters for the rest to try out. The main gameplay hook - and something that's never been done better - is called 'Sight Jacking'; the ability to 'tune into' other character's fields of vision as you attempt to sneak through the various broken homes and shanty towns throughout. Because you can't sight jack and move at the same time, it gets really interesting as you very meticulously switch between any number of foes to ensure you'll be able to make a break for the next opening - only to find one of the Shibito zombies staring straight at you from behind. One particular highlight is when you're trapped in a hospital as young girl Miyako, and must navigate the many tight corridors and interlocking rooms with a whole group of them ambling around above, below and around you. Jacking between is a nightmare to keep track of, and at no point do you feel remotely comfortable. It's a callback to the many horror films who'll show the killer stalking a character from afar, except here it was all given extra tension thanks to some suitably twisted character designs and environment aesthetics.
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