11 Video Game Endings That Totally Trolled Gamers

10. "Finishing This Fight" (But Not Today) - Halo 2


The Ending: Master Chief arrives at Earth in the Forerunner Dreadnought, at which point he makes communication with Admiral Hood, who asks what he's doing on the ship. Chief's reply? "Finishing this fight." Cut to black.

How It Trolled Players: After playing as the Arbiter to take down Tartarus, it would make sense that the final mission of the game would have us playing as the series' protagonist, right? We sure couldn't wait for a climactic set-piece to top the brilliant Warthog dash at the end of the first game, with Master Chief finally shutting Halo down, right? Wrong. The game ends so abruptly, just when it's about to get awesome, and players were left outraged. Bungie admitted that the game was originally considerably longer and developmental delays resulted in it being curtailed, which just felt like a blatant way to ensure that people bought Halo 3. Thankfully the multiplayer component was so awesome that we quickly forgot about how lame Halo 2's campaign turned out to be.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.