11 Video Games Destined To Be 2018's Biggest Sleeper Hits

7. Darksiders 3

Darksiders 3 iii

Although it's never been a smash-hit success, the Darksiders series has always enjoyed a warm response from hardcore gamers as well as critics. Considered to be a spiritual successor to the classic Zelda games, the action-adventure franchise is looking to break into the big leagues with a long-awaited sequel in 2018.

Technically in development with a new team at Gunfire Games, the studio is apparently made up of the core people who worked on previous Darksiders projects, ensuring that the series is in safe hands while still benefitting from the addition of fresh blood to shake things up.

Starring a brand new character and another Horseman of the Apocalypse, Fury, the third game is set to focus on her journey to destroy the seven deadly sins while travelling across a dilapidated future version of Earth. If that premise alone doesn't have you whipping your money out at the ready, I don't know what could convince you.

The hack-and-slash franchise has slowly amassed a dedicated audience over the past couple of years, and hopefully another quality instalment in the series will allow it to finally break into the mainstream where it belongs.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3