11 Video Games With Severely Underused Secondary Characters

7. Leviathans - Mass Effect 3

Back to the Mass Effect universe. Don't worry, this isn't going to happen again - it's just that this series seems to waste too many chances to thicken the plot. One such exploit was lost in one of the many DLC packs for the final game of the trilogy. One might argue that it was a mere cash grab, but the Leviathans came out to be such an interesting, nearly Lovecraftian concept that it's going to be hard for me to forget the potential Bioware has wasted in this particular instance. The whole thing appears right out of the blue. Suddenly, there are traces of an ancient civilization found all across the universe; a much older civilization than that of Protheans, even. Opening the quest in a semi-detective manner, Shepard and his crew follow the leads to a remote ocean planet, where a suspicious signal has been located. After some murderous action, our hero is sent off into the ocean depths to face whatever's lying down there... waiting. We were treated to a fascinating twist. The Leviathans were the the ones who created the Reapers in their own image. And they were huge, Cthulhuian creatures with intelligence too vast for our species to understand. So how do you exactly make finding these things a minor DLC twist, Bioware? Major disappointment.

An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.