11 Video Games With Severely Underused Secondary Characters

3. Miraak - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

If there is one Bethesda created character that feels like the perfect bad guy material, it's Sheogorath. Ever since the Shivering Isles, they haven't been able to replicate his awesomeness. As sad as this might be, it also serves as a testament to how brilliantly executed Sheogorath was. With Dragonborn, I was hoping Miraak would get the same treatment. After all, Skyrim's DLC packs haven't been all that substantial and this one was looking to be the equivalent of Shivering Isles for this game. Sadly, this is never realised, as the player barely feels Miraak's influence during the story. Sure, there are people building statues for him and you do travel through the dimension he resides in, but it doesn't make you fear him or wonder about what drives him forward. He isn't mystical, but straightforward and boring. Miraak is the first Dragonborn, and what most of us were expecting was an interesting and well-realized villain in the vein of Shivering Isles. Well, things didn't really pick up as they should have. Instead of a true malefactor, we've gotten a mediocre dragon fight and a character nobody even cares about unless they've read his Wiki page. Come on, Beth. You can do so much better than that... and the original Dragonborn deserves the best treatment you could possibly give them.

An avid gamer kicking about in the business of freelance writing.