11 Video Games That'll Hit You Right In The Childhood

7. Mario Kart

Released in 1992 with a winning formula so potent it's still boiling away in 2014, Mario Kart 8 has been the most recent reason many people ended up buying a Wii U. Flash back to when you first got your hands on this (at the time) graphical showcase, and the mixture of 3D worlds with 2D sprites was genuinely mind-blowing. Here we had a cutesy animated racer that let you fling a multitude of power-ups at your friends, and also felt incredibly fast any time you nabbed a speed-boost too. Even today it holds up remarkably well provided you can get on board with the graphics and the initially-frustrating-yet-masterful turning controls. It's all down to way the game is programmed, as it's not so much that you're controlling a kart that's speeding its way around the track, but more that you're controlling the track itself, angling it around your character as you attempt to avoid the infuriatingly accurate blue shells.
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