11 Video Games That'll Hit You Right In The Childhood

6. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time

No, we don't mean the 3DS re-release (although it is still a darn fine remake) but rather the original Water Temple-cursing original, complete with flat-faced Link and graphics that if you squint look like possessed Lego. There's not a whole lot to be said about Ocarina in 2014 that hasn't already been covered before, but it stands to reason that if you can find a copy of the game - either in its original cartridge form or an emulator - you'll still be blown away by just how ahead of its time it really was. Forgoing the insanity of getting lost inside the aforementioned Water Temple (a level so badly designed Nintendo ended up painting guidelines on the walls in the 3DS version), everything from the Kokiri Forest to having your first ride on Epona holds up beautifully. Well, beautifully in a retro sense of course, but would you really want something as precious as Ocarina put through the wringer only to emerge with shiny Call of Duty textures everywhere? We thought not.
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