11 Video Games You'll Buy No Matter What

10. Crackdown

The first Crackdown game came out in 2007 and gained a cult following thanks to its uncompromising emphasis on action and chaos. There was no story in this game. It was all about killing bad guys and upgrading your body to perform feats like throwing cars and jumping off of tall buildings without turning into a human pancake. Its loose structure made it perfect for playing online with a friend because you could do exactly what you wanted, whenever you wanted. A sequel was released back in 2010, but for the most part it was just more of the same, and since then the series faded away from the public eye until Microsoft kindly reminded everyone of its existence by unveiling a debut trailer back at E3 last year. Things have gone dark since then and we know very little about what the latest Crackdown will offer. What we do know though is that you'll be able to destroy entire buildings - and there's no way that can't be fun as hell. After all, nothing tests a friendship more than crushing your best friend with an entire apartment block.
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When I'm not playing games, I'm probably either writing about them somewhere or singing stupid songs inspired by them. Or eating pizza.