12 Actors Destined To Play Video Game Characters

11. Djimon Hounsou - Kratos (God of War)

The casting net for this one can be quite wide given that Kratos' race is relatively ambiguous throughout the God of War games, as his skin is covered with the ashes of his dead family. It's worth noting, though, that he is voiced by a black man, and so I feel that to get the appropriately booming voice needed to match the video game equivalent, it's probably worth looking at a black actor with a recognisable voice who is also a tremendous physical specimen. Enter Djimon Hounsou, known to mainstream audiences for his work in films like The Island and Blood Diamond. The guy isn't just a tremendous, Oscar-nominated actor, but he's also proven in those films (particularly the latter) that he looks great with a shirt off, and can nail the intensity (both vocally and physically) that such a monstrous role would require. Should this film ever actually get off the ground, which I honestly doubt, there is no finer choice.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.