12 Awesome Video Game Alternate Endings

7. Dog Ending - Silent Hill 2

The Actual Ending: There is actually no clear-cut canonical ending for Silent Hill 2, though this isn't particularly important. There are 4 endings which can be deemed "legitimate": James leaves Silent Hill with Laura (Leave), James commits suicide to be with his dead wife Mary (In Water), James leaves town with Maria (Maria), or an ambiguous ending in which James attempts to resurrect Mary by supernatural means (Rebirth). They're all satisfying in their own ways, but have nothing on the absolute insanity of...this ending.

The Alternate Ending: The Silent Hill games are no strangers to joke endings, and Silent Hill 2 served up unarguably the weirdest of the lot, as James enters a hotel room to find out that a dog has been manipulating the events of the game, using a large electronic control console. Cue a ridiculous credit montage of silly dog clips set to an aneurysm-inducing song mostly consisting of dog barks.

Why It's Awesome: In a game that's so weird and so often appears to make little sense, it follows that there should be an ending that lives up to this bizarre nature. There's also a UFO ending in which James is abducted by aliens, but given that this is a repeat of the first game's joke ending, it's not quite as great the second time around. The dog ending, though? Pure, demented genius.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.