12 Biggest Problems With All Video Games In 2015

11. The Industry's View On Equality Ruins 99% Of All Creative Visions

It's like vultures picking apart a rather large, forever-juicy carcass at the minute whenever something releases and you look at the likes of Polygon or PC Gamer gnawing away at any reactionary angle they can sink their teeth into. Assassin's Creed took a pasting because Ubisoft didn't accurately model any playable female characters, but the intent of the developers seemed to be thrown away in the process - like, what if they simply wanted to tell a male-centric tale? It's not a damning indictment on all of womanhood to point at something and say what it isn't, just like Tim Schafer's recent comments at GDC weren't remotely racist either. It's all in the intent, not what can be spun afterwards. All that happens when creative teams have to curtail to endless amounts of criticism ranting endlessly about things that were never supposed to be controversial in the first place is you get neutered play-it-safe garbage like The Order: 1886, a game box-ticked into completion to please as many people as possible, without any of the creative implementation necessary for any worthwhile replayability.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.