12 Biggest Upcoming Video Games That Could Release Killer Prologue Levels

9. Watch Dogs

It feels like its been forever and a day since Watch Dogs was first announced, but now the game is only two months away from finally being released. The game, which has you playing as a professional hacker who uses his unique skills to survive in a world built around "information warfare" is on the wish list of many gamers, and although they only need to wait another sixty or so days, many of them wouldn't hesitate to throw some money down to play a short prologue that introduces them to the Watch Dogs universe. Being able to test out the hacking abilities, run around in a small section of the game and cause mayhem with the click of a button are just a few of the many temptations that Ubisoft can use to their financial advantage if they released a sample version of the game at a low price. Some might argue that it's too late in the release schedule to dish out a prologue level to a game that's almost ready to be shipped out, but with so many gamers willing to fork over their dollars just to get their hands on an early version of the game with an exclusive level, it would be a great business decision for Ubisoft. They're happy, the gamers are happy, and everybody gets what they want.

My name is Tom, i'm 27 years old, and I was born and raised in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Ever since High School I have had a passion for writing, and my long term goal is to have a successful career as a writer. I also love having discussions, so feel free to comment or get in contact with me if you agree or disagree with any of my articles.